
Špageti s čemaževimi popki

Skoraj dva meseca minevata, odkar sem postala vsakodnevna kolesarka. Katastrofalna povezanost kraja, kjer živim, z mestnimi prevoznimi sredstvi ljubljanske občine botrujejo temu, da je moja pot do službe izredno razgibana. Začnem izpred hiše ob glavni cesti, nato zavijem navzdol med polja, mimo ribiškega društva in njihovih umetnih jezerc v gozd. Prečkam ozko brv, nadaljujem po enokolesni poti skozi pragozd in pristanem na bregu reke Save. Ko peljem mimo, me pozdravi šumenje katarakta, hitro pa ga zamenja zvok pnevmatik na produ, ko se povzpnem nazaj na gozdno cesto. Dodobra pretresena zaradi skalnatih grbin prodrem nazaj na asfalt, kjer me čaka strm vzpon – pa še nisem na polovici 🙂

Tisti pragozdiček me je že dlje časa fasciniral. Marca so se bitjeca ravno začela prebujati, videti je bilo veliko popkov in še več naokoli. Danes sem stopila v džunglasto zeleno goščavo, polno bežno znanih rastlin, prisotnost bližnjega potoka pa je potrdilo le bližnje žuborenje. Prešinilo me je, da mora v tem “tropskem” okolju nedvomno rasti veliko užitnih rastlin.

V nedeljo sva se tako z mamo odpravili na kratek dopoldanski izlet v naravo. S kolesi sva se odpeljali v mojo džunglo, kjer jo je skoraj kap od navdušenja 🙂 Nabrali sva listje in popke čemaža, regačico, česnovko in zvezdice. Do recepta z zadnjimi tremi morda pridem v prihodnosti (tokrat sem jih pojedla v solati), čemaževi popki pa so me navdahnili z idejo …

It’s been almost two whole months since I became an everyday cyclist. Since my area has horrible public transportation coverage, I stick with my bike, which makes for an interesting commute. Starting down the road on which I live, I soon turn downhill onto the fields, passing a fishers’ society and their little ponds and into the woods. After crossing a narrow footbridge, I follow the footpath through the heart of the jungle and come out on the riverbank. I’m greeted by the loud whispers of the cataract, which are soon replaced by the sound of wheels on the rocky forest road. Well shaken up by the natural bumps, I’m glad to finally reach asphalt again, though I’m not even halfway there yet 🙂

The little jungle, though, has fascinated me the most. When I started cycling in March, everything was just waking up from winter’s sleep and you could see heaps of buds everywhere, could see all around you. Today, I entered a wilderness of green, full of familiar plants, and a wet murmur was all that hinted towards the presence of the nearby stream. It struck me that this “tropical” haven must be chock full of edible growth.

So naturally, last Sunday my mother and I went for a short morning trip. We rode our bikes into my jungle, where she almost had a stroke 🙂 We picked some ramsons, chickweed, goutweed and garlic mustard. We ate the last three in a salad (I may have recipes featuring them in the future), but the ramsons were just starting to bloom and the little buds gave me an idea …

Za eno osebo potrebujemo: / Serves one:

  • 100 g polnovrednih špagetov / 100 g wholemeal spaghetti
  • 2 pesti čemaževih popkov / 2 handfuls of ramsons buds
  • 3-4 žlice olivnega olja / 3-4 tbsp of olive oil
  • pest sveže špinače / one handful of fresh spinach
  • sol, poper / salt and pepper
  • nooch*

V visoki posodi zavremo osoljeno vodo in v njej skuhamo špagete po navodilih z embalaže. V ponvi na srednjevisokem ognju pogrejemo olje, na katerem nato za minuto popražimo čemaževe popke. Dodamo še svežo špinačo, natrgano na trakove, in začinimo s soljo in poprom. Špagete dobro odcedimo in primešamo čemažu in špinači. Takoj postrežemo. Jed lahko okrasimo z užitnimi čemaževimi cvetovi in izboljšamo z noochem.

Bring a tall pot of salted water to a boil and cook the spaghetti according to package instructions. Take a skillet and warm the oil up on medium-high heat, then just sauté the ramsons buds with the oil for a minute. Tear up your spinach into the skillet and season with salt and pepper. Sauté for another minute, then add the drained spaghetti. Serve immediately garnished with ramsons flowers and with nooch, if you like.

Kakšne dobrote pa so na vaši poti v službo/šolo? 🙂

2 thoughts on “Popki

  1. Your commute sounds interesting indeed! Biking here means bikind through the city, which can be quite exhausting. Especially if you have to get to work.
    Your recipe sounds really interesting. Over here people always tell me that ramsons with blossoms are already too old to be used, whatever that means. Maybe they are to strong then? Anyway, I’ll look out for some blossoms now. Thanks for posting the recipe!

    1. Hey mihl,
      thanks for your comment! You’re right, it is usually recommended that ramsons be picked before they go into bloom, but that’s only because their aroma is strongest then. Once they flower, they are milder, which is handy if you want to use more of them in a recipe 🙂 Let me know how you like the recipe if you decide to try it! 😉
